📄️ console.log(...data)
Shows the passed data as formatted representations on the screen. Data arguments will be separated by line breaks.
📄️ console.error(...data)
Calls the console.log function using a Red color from the internal CLR library.
📄️ console.warn(...data)
Calls the console.log function using a Yellow color from the internal CLR library.
📄️ console.clear()
Clear the entire console screen.
📄️ console.table(tabularData)
Clear the entire console screen.
📄️ console.write(object, color?)
Writes the target object with the respective console color.
📄️ console.writeLine(object, color?)
Writes the target object with the respective console color and one extra line.
📄️ console.time(label)
Starts a timer that can be managed by the current label.
📄️ console.timeEnd(label)
Ends a timer referent to the current label.